Saturday, 2 September 2017

Ferrara Residency

Tomorrow I fly to Italy to join the Ferrara Residency organised by curators Olivia Berkowicz and Angelica Bollettinari. 

Ferrara Residency 2017: “Who Cares?”

The project originates from reflections on the role of artists and curators in today’s society, functioning within an art system that reproduces itself through increasing quantities of low-paid or unpaid work, and which demands constant flexibility and is pervaded by an increasing sense of precarity. Within this context, what does it means to curate an artistic project and on how to do so, precisely, “with care”?

Our aim is to reflect on the conditions of creative research and work, which requires high emotional involvement and continuous attention and care towards the project and the people and communities involved in it. Throughout the residency, we will think together through themes such as intimacy, work, slowness, vulnerability, anxiety, and on the importance of processes of collaboration and modalities of working together to provide an alternative to the exhaustion, anxiety and fragmentation that we experience today under networked capitalism.